Like everywhere also in Andalusia all kinds of interesting things happen every day, such as fiestas and festivals, culinary gatherings, processions, special exhibitions, but there's also news on the housing market or changed regulations. To make it easy for you, we bundle some interesting articles in this section so that you have everything at a glance.


Salares in the Axarquia, XII Festival Arabe Andalusi

Salares is part of the famous Mudejar route and walking through its streets we can discover its Moorish past. Although traces of other cultures, such as the Romans, are still visible in the village, this civilisation was completely obliterated in the face of the Moorish imprint, which left important elements within the configuration of the village itself, such as the tower of a Mudejar fortress, under the protection of which the village took shape.

With the influence of this past, Salares annually celebrates the festival As-Sharq (the East), a thematic fair on the customs, arts and sciences of Andalusian culture, in which it seeks to convey the cultural richness bequeathed by its multicultural past. More information via the Ayuntamiento de Salares and the diverse social platforms.