Like everywhere also in Andalusia all kinds of interesting things happen every day, such as fiestas and festivals, culinary gatherings, processions, special exhibitions, but there's also news on the housing market or changed regulations. To make it easy for you, we bundle some interesting articles in this section so that you have everything at a glance.


Feria in Malaga with traditional horse-drawn carts

You will come across Feria in many places in Spain. Literally, feria means funfair, but it is more than that. It is a kind of annual market and in many cases, this spectacle lasts a whole week. From Saturday 13 August to Saturday 20 August, the annual Feria de Málaga takes place. For example, there are bullfights, fairground attractions, horse and carriage rides, various flamenco performances and casetas (tents) selling tapas and drinks in the streets.

The origins of the Feria in Málaga date back to 1487, to celebrate the end of Moorish rule in southern Spain. The Feria commemorates the incorporation of the city into the Kingdom of Castile in 1487. After 1887 (400 years after the reconquest), the commemoration grew into a multi-day event. The procession of Virgen de la Victoria has always been an important part of La Feria in Málaga.

Apart from Semana Santa (Easter Week), it is the most important event of the year and people look forward to it weeks ahead.

In La Axarquía, ferias take place in several places:

Alcaucin - 6. and 7. August
Arenas - 11. till 14. August
Canillas de Aceituno - 12. till 14. August
Canilla de Albaida - 5. till 7. August
Comares - 29. till 31. Juli
Nerja - 9. till 13. Oktober
Riogordo - 14. till 18. August
Sedella - 5. till 7. August
Torrox - 29. September till 2. Oktober