Like everywhere also in Andalusia all kinds of interesting things happen every day, such as fiestas and festivals, culinary gatherings, processions, special exhibitions, but there's also news on the housing market or changed regulations. To make it easy for you, we bundle some interesting articles in this section so that you have everything at a glance.


Wine festival with tribune beside the church in Competa at the Costa del SolThe wine village of La Axarquía is Cómpeta. The wine production of this village is not only nationally, but also internationally famous. Here you will find bodega Almijara, the most famous wine house of this place. The most important festival in Cómpeta is El Noche del Vino (Night of the Wine), which takes place annually on 15 August. It is a great opportunity to visit this mountain village at that time. The first time this celebration was held was in 1973 as a farewell to those who left the village to go and harvest grapes in the countryside. The workers would not return until the harvest of grapes and sultanas was complete, which could take several months.

Like many celebrations in La Axarquía, the festival starts with a procession to celebrate the arrival of the grapes and to honour the patron saint. At the same time as the procession, the pressing of the grapes starts with the foot on the Vendimia Square. During this fiesta there is a medieval market and the village is decorated with colourful flags.

As a visitor, you can enjoy local specialities and there are performances by flamenco singers and dancers. It is a celebration you must experience at least once!

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